Spring Energy-Saving Tips for Your Austin Home

ThinkstockPhotos-138024136 (2)This spring, as the weather warms up, you will have ample opportunity to save more energy in your Austin home. Here are some great home energy-saving tips you can implement today:

Spring Energy-Saving Tips

  • Use natural ventilation. When it’s comfortable temperatures outside, open up your windows, and let that fresh air ventilate your home. Spring is a great time to open windows when you wake up, and let cool morning air into your home. This will delay the time in the day when you have to turn on your A/C. Remember to close your windows before the sun goes down.
  • Use fans to help with spring cooling. A ceiling fan can provide a cooling effect in the home. This allows you to delay running your A/C or even to set it a few degrees higher than you might ordinarily. Make sure the fan rotation setting is on counterclockwise, so the air blows downward. During the winter, you can set the blade rotation clockwise to help circulate warm air.
  • Get a programmable thermostat. If you don’t have one, keep on top of adjusting your standard thermostat to increase energy saving. You don’t need to fully cool or heat your living space when your home is empty during the day, and most homeowners don’t mind cooler temperatures at night during the spring.
  • Seal air leaks in your home’s exterior envelope. Once it starts getting hot outdoors, warm air will infiltrate into your home, forcing your A/C to work harder and waste energy. Make sure to replace missing or worn weatherstripping on door jambs and window sashes, and use caulk or expanding sprayfoam to seal gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior.
  • Schedule spring maintenance. Schedule a spring maintenance tune-up for your air conditioning system. This will ensure your system is ready to work reliably and efficiently throughout the spring and summer.

For more spring energy-saving tips, please contact Airco in the Austin area.


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